Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Dear Family and Friends,
I am so grateful today. I woke up, I had a lot on my mind and I kind of felt weighed down a bit, I'm not really sure why. The best I can say is that there was just a Lot on my mind, as I already said. But that was not going to satisfy me for a day, I want each day to be one of joy and excitement. This past week has been wonderful. We have had miracle after miracle.
We have been able to find new investigators just waiting to be found between the cracks of where we already frequently visit. We gave a copy of the Book of Mormon to the sister of an investigator that we teach who we met at a Birthday party. She asked me what the word of the day was, and we had just finished reading about King Benjamin, a classic favorite of many who have read the Book of Mormon. We told her that He was a prime example of a Christ-like leader. Not only did he teach the ideals of righteous living, but he practiced them to near perfection. He lead by example, the only way that a true leader will ever be able to make any lasting impact. We related how we as individuals and people have a great duty to act in the best way we possibly can and to help other do the same. She told us that she reads the Bible every day one page in English and then the same page in Navajo. To follow suit we were able to give her an English and a Navajo Book of Mormon and promise great blessings and a knowledge of our Savior and his Love for all of God's children.
The blessings of the Gospel are not something that are a convenience. And while they are often convenient and they do bring great security and comfort to lost and pained souls, they are much more that that. The Gospel is our eternal Nature. All we are doing is finding out who we really are. Have you aver wondered why the spirit is so strong when you sing such a simple song as I am a Child of God? I have, and I am glad to say that I am slowly finding out more and more why, each day. I am grateful that I woke up with so much on my mind because it reminds me how merciful and patient God has been with me. I'm grateful that I have such a loving family and group of Friends that are sensitive to the value of what is real as apposed to what is programed into our mortal minds of false expectations of the world, and decaying moral values that seem to be the "in" thing to do. I send my love for each of you and I hope you have a great week!
Ayoo' Aniinishni
Elder McGarry
Reflecting, Early Mornings for Transfers!

Another ​"Monsoon" rainstorm that left behind a massive rainbow

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