Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Dear Family and Friends,
I am so happy this week Mike got Baptized! He started the Alamo Miracle Church years ago and we have been meeting with him quite regularly since I got here. He is wheelchair bound so I had to help him down into the font and also back out which was a really humbling and great experience. How much do we really take for granted? Anyway, Mike had told us much about the history of the Res in our discussions. Much of it is sad history, and even more of it all of it really is fulfillment of Prophesy within the first few books of the Book Of Mormon. I can say even more so now that I know the Book Of Mormon is true. I am blessed to be in the literal action of fulfilling the prophesies of Nephi of old, bring the Gospel to his people. You look at the Book of Mormon with new eyes and a very unique perspective when you are in these shoes. I can bear testimony of that. What a blessing.
The Gospel is so simple yet so completely comprehensive in our lives. I think that is the easiest way I can put it. As we understand doctrine we becomes unshaken in our faith. It is through the revelations of prophets throughout this earth's temporal existence that we know these doctrines. How do we know if we are built upon the foundation of Christ with pure and sound doctrine? Through personal revelation. I talked a little about that last time. Today I want to share another thought that has influenced me greatly for this week and many years to come. King Noah, as we know him is a wicked man. I think most people would agree that he is a perfect example of what not to be or do. I am going to be so bold as to say that not many of us are so different from him. Now let me explain a little why. No none of you are sinful and as wicked as he was, or at least I hope not. But King Noah did not get the way he was described overnight. When he finally did take over the kingdom after his father's death he did change everything for the worse, but what does it say about him and his character? HE "followed after the Desires of His heart." I see so often that my desires are not necessarily evil, but they are not what Christ would do. I think that one of the best indicators of our personal commitment to follow the Lord is our worship and our attitude toward Sabbath day observance. It's not a wonder why the last general conference talk was on the Sabbath being a delight. That is a big emphasis in the church because we need to change our desires to Righteousness. I don't mean to say that I am perfect in this either, I am by far the opposite. But if we are being told that we can't even do the Sabbath right then our desires are not in alignment with God. 
 The Sabbath is a day to "rest from [our] labors and to pay [our] devotions unto the most high." I can say that my desire even this Sunday was not in alignment with God's. It was a long drive to conference I'll admit I was not in as delightful mood as I could have been to go. My eyes were opened because I saw that King Noah as wicked as he was, started out only following a simple desire of his heart, and it's not doctrine, but I think that he probably didn't go to Church on Sunday. As a result neither did his people, and look what happened to them. What was the first thing that Alma did to fix that when every that was righteous converted? He established order in the Church and consecrated Priests (to bless and pass the Sacrament) and Teachers to bring the people to a Remembrance of their Duty. The Sabbath is not just a day to rest from our labors, it is a delight because we get to align our will with God's will. We have to put off our own selfish desires and that will bring great blessings. The Lord Promises (D&C 59:9 "And that thou mayest for fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day." Is that not the admonition of the Savior to live in the World but not of the world. I know that the Lord will answer our prayers only as we are faithful to His commandments. I know that He loves each of you and that He Desires for you to be happy and live with him. And I know that as we dedicate that sanctified day completely and totally to the Lord, our own lives will be more prosperous and more joyful to a measure that is beyond all comprehension. Press on and delight in the Gospel. Do not be ashamed nor afraid, but believe and be an example of it by your actions. I love you all and I hope that you have a great week! 
Elder McGarry

Mike's Baptism

Stuffed Fry Bread From Louie :) Res Food, we got some again!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Dear Family and Friends,
Another week in Alamo! I got sick on Saturday and that hasn't been very fun but I've been able to keep working and get stuff done too. There was a big archery event on Saturday put on by the Apachito family and people came from all over the state to participate. The prizes were custom made belt buckles and bracelets and a whole bunch of other stuff. Obviously I didn't get one but if I had been able to participate i.e. not a missionary for a day, I'd like to say I would have gotten one. Anyway the Baptism that we had when I first got here was for Angelita and she played a big role in planning and putting everything together for it so we went to support her family for a bit.
To move on to more important things, revelation is something that we receive in the moment. I have often times tried to get answers and revelation in a moment by asking and then by trying to listen for a voice in my head telling me what I needed to know, or by opening a scripture to read exactly what it is I am searching for. Yes these are some ways to receive revelation. I think though, that these only last for a little while. By that I mean that it's pretty easy on our part and doesn't take much effort so it's really nice. When we really learn how to receive revelation though, then we are accountable for that knowledge and we have to put in the effort to get it. For me that meant asking, wondering, pondering, waiting, waiting, and acting. I don't really know how to describe it better than that and the revelation that we receive is always individual so it would be considered a Pearl of Great price to only the person who it is applicable for. I think though, the big thing that is applicable to everyone that I came across was, "Wo unto them that are at ease in Zion". Zion is the state of a man's soul as Brigham Young said. There is so much to learn and so much to do in God's kingdom. I think I am finally truly understanding what Henry B. Eyring taught in conference. It takes consistent and regular connection with the spirit in order to receive the answers that we are seeking in the moment that we need them. Otherwise we get knocked back and things seem to go down the toilet according to the plan that we have made. In retrospect of my relatively short life up to this point I see many times when God tried to tell me something and I didn't really 'hear' so I had to suffer through some things that I would not have had to if I had been ready for the counsel he gave. Receiving revelation is tough. It can be exhausting really. And to be honest when we receive it then we have more to do than we did before. So what makes it desirable? If we don't receive it then we cannot make progress. If we don't receive it with gladness then we Will not progress, or in other words we will most likely choose not to. It is desirable because it helps us to make it back to God. Without revelation we would not have the plain simple truths of the Gospel. I hope this makes a little sense. I have struggled to put this to words.
In short I am so thankful for prophets who have dedicated so much to receive the revelation necessary for us to know these truths of the gospel. I am thankful for the scriptures that take us two seconds to open and read and then we are filled with eons of knowledge and wisdom from the creator of vast universes. More importantly that those revelations are all a perfect example of just how much our Father in Heaven really loves each one of us. I'm thankful that I have such an ability to read and learn so easily especially the words of God. The quote from Mark Twain stands out in this aspect "The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read." I don't think the best form of worship is emulation. I think the Only kind of true worship is emulation. Emulation of Jesus Christ who was the perfect example. Anything short of that is hypocrisy and is not acceptable before the Lord. I know that the Lord wants more from us than we think we can offer. But I also know that the enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, through faith in him, gives us access to limitless power and potential. Let us not forget the reason for which we are here. Let us continue faithfully in magnifying our office to which we have been appointed, then stand cheerfully to see the arm of god to be revealed. I hope that you are all well and enjoying all the beauty that this life brings. Look outward and serve to be filled with the love of Christ.
Ayoo' Aniinishn
Elder McGarry
Out to see some petroglyphs on the Res.

Buckles and Bracelet from the Archery Shoot

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Weaknesses and Goals

Dear Family and Friends,
This week was all over the place. Out in Alamo we have to drive for two hours to get to civilization, and we had two meetings in Albuquerque and Los Lunas NM. That took some serious time away from teaching but we still had one of our best weeks since I have been here. I think time management and staying focused played a big role in that. We also had members that helped us out a couple times during the week so effective planning was also important. All of these things you learn about and don't really know until you try them out in real time. The work is progressing and we are finding new people to teach. One girl Samantha is going through a separation and when we talked about baptism and explained it and asked her what she thought she said "All I can think about is what you said about being able to forget the past and start new." That is the privilege that all of us have each week. To work through our pain and sorrow or weakness and sin and become truly healed, able to be pure and comfortable.
My focus last week was on weaknesses and interestingly, that was the biggest focus in Zone Conference last Friday as well. I find it refreshing to know that the spirit teaches and bears witness in more than one testimony. That is the whole premise of the Book of Mormon if you think about it. Anyway, I think it applicable to talk a little more about weakness but this time more in a sense of overcoming weakness. Ether 12:27 is a well known scripture. I think many of you could nearly quote it. But briefly I'll paraphrase it by saying, weaknesses are necessary and even a gift from God to help us be humble and are given so that we can become stronger. So how do we go about making our weaknesses stronger? Pray, certainly. Ask for help, definitely. But more importantly act! Oliver in Doctrine and covenants thought he had to do no more than ask and he would be given a great gift. But the Lord told him (D&C 8:2-3) to "study it out in your mind and in your heart" and he will then confirm the truth or the path to improve. That means setting Goals! I looked at goals in the Topical Guide to the bible and it just refers you to two other things. Any guesses?.... Objectives and Perfection. Wow, I thought. Goals are referred to as a path to perfection. So if any of us hope to obtain perfection we need to be perfect at setting goals. That doesn't mean right away or that all of our goals will be attained. But it does mean that we need to try. So for me it is a pattern that goals + objectives = or lead to perfection. Don't worry, I'm not going to make this into a math equation.
A very important insight personal insight came to me yesterday. We were talking to a less active member Junior, and inviting him to Family Home Evening that we do each Monday night at the little Alamo Chapel. We were talking about church and what he missed and what we had done (Weekly Planning) earlier in the day. The pattern that popped into my head was Spiritual Preparation > Planning > Goals/Objectives or Focus = or lead to Physical manifestation. Ok Last "math equation" format. This isn't really a new concept either, but it was another witness from the spirit that this is a true principle. I know that when we are in tune with the spirit we will see our weaknesses, But we will be spiritually prepared to accept them and then the spirit will guide us to set goals to overcome them. As we set those goals and act to reach our objective, or in other words as we stay focused on God's plan for us, then we are able to become a physical manifestation of the image God would have us show. That is what it means to take Christ's name upon me. I think if we are to always remember him as we have so covenanted to do then we are so guided by the spirit in each choice that we make. We don't always know the pattern but God will reveal it to us and I consider this a great revelation in my life. I know that God answers prayers and he does speak to his children. He loves us all and I send all of my love and prayers for each of you.
Ayoo' Aniinishni 
Elder McGarry
Exchange with Elder Jones​, first time trying real Indian Bread for both of us :)

With Mike, He is going to get Baptized on the 27th (As long as he doesn't drink coffee)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Dear Family and Friends,
This week has been one of miracles and a lot of trial. As is common knowledge, I feel at least, among members of the church we know that the Lord is very good at testing us and trying us in our faith and devotion. I have felt that a lot lately. I am full of weaknesses and my companion and I have talked a lot lately about how serving in Alamo makes you keenly aware of acute weaknesses and really just can tear you down to nothing if you let it. Just a little information about serving in Alamo, we are only allowed to serve here with permission from the chapter. As part of the agreement for us being here we are not allowed to actively proselyte, or in other words we cannot talk to people about the gospel unless we are invited to. That can make it very hard to find people to teach. Service is one great tool that we do have because there are plenty of people that need help. The problem that arises there is that most people need help monetarily more than anything and they often ask us to buy things or donate things. It is part of the culture to some degree. So we have the challenge of befriending people and building up enough trust with them to allow us to enter into their home and teach the word of God.
On the opposite end of the spectrum God has a plan in all things. I know that this is his work and not mine! As missionaries in Alamo it is very easy to tell when we are not doing exactly what the Lord wants us to do because nothing works out and we can't even do things that help us look remotely productive when that happens. So when we are obedient and striving to follow the Lord and his counsel we are more or less guided into the celestial kingdom for missionary work. The spirit is the teacher and we are all students. We all are imperfect and weaknesses can either be something that we look at as daunting and scary or as something that encourages us to be better. Everything we do should lead us to be closer to Christ. So if after we have gained a remission of sins and forgiveness for things we have done wrong if we did not still have weakness there would be no room to improve. Take courage that God is showing you little things that you can do better. Know that those little things are "Mysteries" of God's Kingdom. He reveals things by the power of the Holy Ghost and each prompting that we receive is something that will help us. My thing to learn is to be patient. I know that the Lord wants to see each of us succeed and I know that there is so much we can accomplish. As we learn more the Lord reveals more and we are blessed. We are also accountable for the knowledge that we attain so that is why God looks on the heart to find Real Intent. He will never teach us something that will be to our detriment unless we knowingly and willfully choose him for to do so. (an example is the Jews or in our day lying in an interview to get baptized or receive other ordinances.) He loves each of you I know that and He answers prayers. Overcome weaknesses through faith and diligence.
I hope you all have great week!
Ayoo' Aniinishni 
Elder McGarry

Entering Alamo​

The Little Alamo Chapel :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Navajo :)

Dear Family and Friends,

First week in Alamo has been a great one! Just getting to know the people here is awesome. I am learning that the people here thrive off of sarcasm and dry humor about every word you say. It is kind of fun sometimes. I am also learning Navajo words here and there. I am super stoked about that. I was excited when I looked around the apartment and found a few Navajo language books. But to my disappointment, reading Navajo is something even many of the native speakers struggle with. I don't know if any of you have tried it but man... So Many Vowels! Anyway I have resorted to asking people as we go along and writing down the pronunciation since it would be futile for me to even try to spell many of the words. Luckily we have the first councilor of the branch presidency that helps us and wants us to write a testimony and he is going to translate it and help us learn how to say it. That is something I am excited for. 
The work in Alamo is a whole new ball game. As I mentioned to my mission president there is a lot of pain and sorrow that goes on here, it is almost an audible groan and a feeling with the land. We just went on a hike today where there was a big open plain between two plateaus and apparently there was a big war there at one point because you can find arrow heads all over. We didn't get to do that but maybe another P-day we will have the chance. It is also a very spiritual place. The Gospel has the power to overcome all things and I am so very grateful for the Gospel in my life. The Lord has blessed us all with so much and continues to bless his children every day. 
I have been impressed to study the Book of Daniel a lot lately. It fascinates me that this is the same time that Lehi is probably getting to America and things are setting the foundation for the Book of Mormon. But King Nebuchadnezzar was a very interesting guy. He had a lot of Pride, but also quite a bit of humility. Now it was pretty noticeably inflicted by his night terrors as he probably called them. But still he had a few times where he really had things set out right. One of the first Gentiles, per say, when the prophesy was fulfilled that the gospel would be taken from the Jews and given to them. He had seven years that we was living homeless. He was at the head of one of the mightiest empires in the world, and also a homeless vagabond and all the way back up again. Daniel is more of a steady example of righteousness. He had tremendous blessings from the Word of Wisdom of his day. He was highly favored of the Lord because he was steadfast in his mind and determined to serve God. Mosiah 4 talks about how we can receive knowledge through repentance. I feel that we all have need to repent. Why else would the Lord give us the sacrament each week. I am not always steadfast as I should be, but I try continually to change my nature and my character to be what God wants me to be. I hope that each of you are finding the things that God wants for you. He has so many blessings in store, and more often than not, those blessings come disguised as trials. Look forward with Faith knowing that by holding to the Iron Rod that the mist of darkness will not take you off your course. The goal is at the end of that rod and nowhere else. "Doubt not, Fear not for I am with you." are the words the Savior wants you to hear. This I know because I have felt is and know of the portion of his love that he has poured out on me. 

Ayoo' Aniinishni :)
Elder McGarry
P.S. I didn't want to have to say this but I am a little backed up on E-mails. If I didn't respond to you yet I'm sorry I will soon. I still love you very much and thank you for your love and support.

Angelita's Baptism last Saturday in Soccoro NM (It's the nearest Font)

Meditating on the Plataea over the plain of the ancient battle as we were told :)