Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Dear Family and Friends,

This may be a little bit of a shorter note. This week we have been impressed to talk about forgiveness a LOT. I can't help but think how we could all learn more fully and completely how to forgive either things that have long since passed and have been left undone, and even more in each and every moment. 

The good things we are looking forward to: General Conference! The baptism of Angela and Marvin, (Still a little ways off till Nov. 7th but it is great to visit with them often and teach to a true conversion.) Some other Baptisms that should be coming up soon. We are also teaching a 17 year old young man named Anthony. He is a trooper. He always tells us to come back the next day! We have introduced the idea of going on a mission to him. We hope that he takes that seriously and gives it the consideration that is necessary. I am so grateful for my mission. I have been able to grow so much and the Lord has truly changed my character and nature to be more like my Him. I wish that all people would truly consider the blessings of the Gospel and truly understand it is through obedience to God's commandments that we can find lasting happiness and peace.

As for General Conference, that is coming up very soon, and I am so glad that we have that opportunity to hear such wonderful counsel. I look forward to it with anticipation and excitement. 

The Parable in Matthew 18 about the debtor that could not forgive his servant is so real. God is merciful to each of us to the point that he will forgive us All of our sins upon conditions of repentance. It is only through the merits and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that this is possible. When we hold onto a grudge or offence from another person, no matter how badly or deeply it effects us it is very minuscule compared to the debt that we owe our Lord. When we do forgive we are then given mercy in the same manner. Moroni 7:18 I think it is not insignificant that in the Lord's prayer it says, "forgive us our debts, AS we forgive our debtors." I hope that we can all better learn to forgive and in turn receive the benefits of peace and sweet joy.
Ayoo' Aniinishni
Elder McGarry
Rainbows are a thing here ALL the time. I guess that's why it's called the "Land of Enchantment"​      
I haven't taken it yet! We are going to "The BOX" (a slot canyon, you guessed it! It's also world renowned for rock climbing) today so I'll get more next week :)

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