Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Simplify, and again

Dear Family and Friends,

Easter is such a wonderful thing. Eternities of time culminated in the grandeur of time, a pivotal time for the immensity of God's creation. The Atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ are of such magnificent importance in our lives. It allows that we may have a perfect brightness of hope. A hope as bright as our faith. The simple and most important part of this great event can be applied in our lives daily, hourly and even down to each minute. It is the message repeated by prophets from the beginning of days. It is summed up in one word, repentance. As a prophet has told us, "what else is more worthy of our efforts?" Christ is always inviting us to come unto him. This is the powerful convincing message of the Book of Mormon. Summed up in three verses at the end of Moroni's record of his life and his people. "Yea come unto Christ and be perfected in him." 

The message is simple. Our lives, and fears and doubts complicate it. Apastacy at any level creates confusion, division and contention. This could be in our individual lives, in the lives of our families, communities or even entire nations. it is an evil treachery that the devil has devised since the beginning of time. It is designed to Blind the minds and to harden the hearts of those that give into these fleeting promises of security for now, and the promise of awards that are great and tremendous of we only give in for a moment in order to get what is easiest for us now. I abhor the thought of anyone facing the father of eternities and trying to say that they believed their sins would be forgiven, even though they never truly forsook them nor even began to change from them and to become pure. 

Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart. God's servants are never to sit idle and wait for him to instruct them, he has given instruction since the plan was even put into action. He will continue to do so ONLY as we accept that which he has already given and Apply it fully in our lives. This is repentance. And sin is doing that which we forthrightly know to be wrong in our innate and instinctive selves as well as in our intellectual and moral awareness, and willful attentiveness. We must simply start where we are and move forward, all the while testifying of the truth and miraculous power of the Atonement as is slowly and steadily unveils itself in our lives and the lives of those around us. This is done simply through faith. Believing that it can possibly make things better. Caring more about what God thinks than what other people might think of us. 

I know that the atonement is real. It has made me who I am today, and is helping me become what Heavenly Father wants me to be tomorrow. I invite each of you to share your testimony of the Atonement with someone this coming week. I know it will strengthen you and miracles will unfold in your life. I love you! Have a great week!
Elder McGarry
Mini Exchange W/ Elder Burnett​
more next week

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Trusting in the Lord

Dear Family and Friends,

Thanks for all your letters and support. I am very blessed to have each of you in my life! This week has been kind of interesting. Really I thought or at least hoped it would be the most normal week of our transfer up to this point. If you don't think God has a sense of humor, try telling him what you are going to do tomorrow. Most everything this week has gone in a path alternate to my original presumptions. We had an investigator from Nigeria, who we fully felt would be Baptized before she left to Nigeria on March 7th, and that has been changed to the first week after she gets back from Nigeria in April. That will be a good thing overall. She is going to take a Book of Mormon in her native language of Yobura to her mother who is in Nigeria as well. She will then bring her youngest daughter back to the US to be with the family (and to witness her Baptism)!

I have seen this week how communication is so critical. I have seen how planning is essential to effective time management. I have been studying Charity and Virtue. I know that we are nothing without Charity. Virtue is often applied directly to moral purity, though it is so much more than that. Certainly it is found as the deepest and innermost thoughts and intents of our heart and are of pure and honest intent. I think of the Woman who thought if she could but touch the hem of Christ's garment she would be healed. So she did, and so she was. Upon the instant that this transpired, Christ asked who it was that had touched him, noting the he had felt "virtue" leave him. This I interpret that because Christ's only and pure intent was always and ever will be to heal those who truly come unto him with faith, this miracle was brought to pass. Thus we see that virtue applied to all aspects of life is a purity with intentions no matter what we are trying to accomplish. It is no question that immorality then would be a direct indicator impure intent, it being a selfish and lustful desire from it's very root. Christ taught us by his example that with that purity of intent we can ask for whatsoever thing we desire from the Lord and he will give it to us because he knows our intent and the purity thereof. Honesty is an open and outward expression of Virtue, and therefore is also very important. Virtue cannot exist without Honesty. I trust that the Lord wants what is very best for each of his children and this is why he has done anything that he has done. It is also the reason that he Allows us through his gift of agency to choose our own path. If we follow him and keep his commandments we will not want for anything. I know that is true. I love you all! Have a great week!

Elder McGarry

​P1- The Border fence to Mexico! My area is in New Mexico and Texas and touches the Mexico Boarder. I literally through a rock into mexico from here! :)
P2 - Fathers and sons! My companion's son is with my son in my last area right now. Fun stuff! 

Three Quarters

Dear Family and Friends,

I write this week at the start of a new transfer in the Mt. Franklin zone still serving in the 5th ward. My address is still the same too :) We had quite a few changes in our zone, and with that comes different horizons and different challenges to face with great blessings in store. I had an slightly awkward moment when I saw a sister missionary that came out on the same plane as me going home yesterday. It feels so weird having had so much time go by in such a quick flash. 

I was also reminded of a missionary earlier on who told me an analogy. He said that missions are like the 400 m run in track. Anyone who has run one of those would know that there are 4 main parts to that race. Not to go into a lot of detail but the last part of that race is the time to really bring it home. Haha in more than one sense for the analogy. I feel invigorated and I am excited to see how these last six months turn out. Three quarters of the way and still truckin'!

We are still in a finding stage in our area. Not much progression in our investigators right now. No matter what you do, sometimes you just can't help people. They have to make the choice to act, and that cannot be taken away. In the mean time we are really focused on seeking new people to teach. (Similar to Jennifer eh?) Our focus of studies has been seeking referrals. There is so much more to do and so many more people to teach, sometimes we just forget to knock. Then the Lord has to shake us up a bit in order to get us to actually listen. So yes, constantly striving to listen to the spirit is a lifetime pursuit. Looking forward to much more learning and growth this week! I love you all :) Have a great week!
Elder McGarry
 Transfer day, with some new Elders for the day :)
 For service we went to an air museum and climbed on some antique aircraft this week :) FUN​

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Dear Family and Friends,

I am happy to be at the start of a new week. Last week was pretty rough! Not only for me, but it seemed that something was overall causing some problems in the surrounding areas. One missionary I talked to mentioned that it could have something to do with elections. I realized that could be true though I don't know much about it I hear bit and pieces. This next week is transfers, and Saturday night we will find out what's going on with that. Just around the corner is General Conference. 

Something that really stands out to me from this past week is what we talked about in the district council I attended. It was made evident to me that I have been confusing Godly Sorrow with discouragement. When we come across someone that is not doing the things we know God wants them to do, in the simplest form (not to place unrighteous judgement by any means or in the smallest degree) it causes a feeling of sorrow. I have often confused that feeling with discouragement. This cannot be! True the world that we live in is a place where confusion, disappointment and deception are rampant. But we need not fear any of that. Just as it poses the question in John 18:7-8, and I would add "do we trust?", will the Son of man find faith on the Earth when He comes again? Just because the world is in bad terms does not mean that we can be discouraged. In fact when we distinguish that discouragement in it's place and feel the eternal power of Godly sorrow these things can be the very motivation and enabling power we need in order to carry out our duties as disciples of Jesus Christ. We have the light that shines through all that darkness and deception. We have the light of Revelation. We cannot settle for mediocrity in our faith because of the wavering and tossed about values that the world claims to hold. we must be as King Benjamin has implored, steadfast and immovable. As Jacob exemplified in the face of the anti Christ sherom, he COULD not be moved. (BofM - Jacob 7) There is a parable in D&C 101 that talks about servants commanded to build a vineyard, a hedge, and a tower with watchmen. But they were slothful in building the tower, because they were not in immediate way of threat. As a result they lost everything when a thief broke down the hedge int he night. That tower for us is the words of living prophets and the necessity is unparalleled. We cannot substitute the need for that guidance. No amount of looking for signs of the times and paying attention to news is going to help us be prepared for the things we must be prepared for. 

To wrap up, I want to share how much joy it is to serve. We helped a 90 year old investigator clean up his yard yesterday. He served in the world war on the island of Iwo Jima. Very few made it back from that battle, and it is amazing to see the hand of the Lord in the lives of his children all around us. These things we would never know if we never took a small moment to go out of our way to help another Son or Daughter of God that needs us right now. Serve, that brings true and lasting enjoyment no matter what!! 

Elder McGarry

 Another Temple pic
Exchanges w/ Elder Wood

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Temple Trip

Dear Family and Friends,

Yesterday we had a temple trip in our mission. We departed early, around 6:30 am and returned very late, about 8:00 pm. We were only able to do one temple session during that time. I wish that I could share the things that I learned, but that will have to be done through other channels. I want to emphasize the importance of the temple though! It is really a heaven on earth. I feel so much peace while attending, and  even thinking about going. 

This week we have had a lot of things turn down on us. Most of our investigators are not really progressing at all. We have had some really awesome people we've come in contact with, but mostly we've been preparing people for the future. Christine is off to Nigeria and won't be back until April. We will work toward her Baptism then. In the mean time we'll be searching or, then teaching and inviting those elect whom God has prepared. I'm happy to be serving in El Paso, I really like it hear. I was reminded of the Fragility of life on the way over here today seeing a motorcycle accident with a very bad looking outcome. 

I think I have learned a lot about myself lately and that is a really important thing. Sometimes we are so busy trying to do everything we should that we forget that we have to be aware of ourselves and who and what we are. Take comfort in knowing that potential is limitless in God's eyes and we are his children. I love you all! Have a great week!
Elder McGarry

 The Crew headed to the Temple​
The Crew at the Temple :)