Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Dear Family and Friends,

This week we have had a few disappointments. We also had a Crazy rain storm that caused serious washout in the arroyos, and washed out number of driveways of people that we visit regularly. That causes a slight issue. :) Fun stuff though. It happened during the last half hour of church and then no more than 30 minutes after it started it was gone and the skies were blue and sun was shining. Welcome to the beginning of Monsoon season :) Pictures will be attached!
​Storms like that are a good reminder of the power of God. I can hardly imagine or even comprehend it, but I can see it when in just 1 hour there is such drastic change and potential devastation. ​The small things we see each and every day are easy to become complacent with. Gratitude is something that should be an attitude and not just something we express when things go the way we want them to. This life has been given to us as a gift from God and we are just stewards. The time that we use should be spent in building up and bettering ourselves and others. That is how we glorify God. He already has all Majesty and Might and Power. His happiness is magnified when we are happy. I love this simple truth. 
My testimony this past Sunday was on stewardships. I am so grateful to have the responsibility and trust to be here in Alamo. It is a tremendous trial most days, but an even bigger blessing. I also have been blessed with many other great stewardships. I know that in all things we must be wise and I encourage each of you to consider the stewardships you have been given and seek the Lord's blessing and guidance in being a wise and faithful steward. A story that came to my mind this past week is one of a King that held a race in his kingdom. All of his people gathered together and prepared for this long race and finally it commenced. Along the way, one traveler near the lead of the contestants happened upon a big pile of rocks that had slid onto the pathway. He had seen people in front of him go around a somewhat precarious side path but he decided it would be safest and more important to clear the path so that others could get through. Many passed him as he labored to clear the path, yet none stopped to help him. At the bottom of the pile he found a bag with a substantial stash of gold coins in it. He thought that maybe one of the travelers had dropped it as they crossed so he having cleared the path completely, thus removing the hazard, then finished the race determined to find the owner of the coins. Upon completing the course he found that he was the last to finish the days journey and the King told him that the money he found was the prize for the winner. 
This story is not word for word of it's original source, nor do I know the source of it (if any of you do, I'd love to find out). It illustrates a very important point though. This life is not about who makes it back first. In this case it was the one who cared enough to try and make the path a little easier for everyone else that really go the reward. SO it is in this life. We must not be so focused on where we are going so as to miss the immediate and significant lessons we can learn exactly where we are. I love you all and hope that you have a great week!
Ayoo' Aniinishni

Elder McGarry

One hour after it STARTED raining

Three hours after it started raining. (Usually it's completely dry...)

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