Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Dear Family and Friends,

I'm going to try to do things a little differently this time. As I was waiting for my companion to use the restroom during a hymn in a conference session I started to fill his water bottle. A few thoughts went through my head: First, I wish I had my water bottle so I could get a drink. Second, no then I'd have to go to the bathroom and I'd miss out on a good talk! Third, But I need to stay Hydrated like sister Miller said! Fourth, What am I doing?!! I don't need a water bottle to get a drink I can take a drink right now while I'm at the fountain! 

A few things I learned here. Stay hydrated. That's just a good thing to do. Another thing is sometimes I have a one track mind and I get so focused on one way of doing things that I forget to just be where I am and do what needs to be done right now. I had gotten so wound up in what I was going to do later about what I was preparing now that I nearly neglected to do what I should have just done right then. 

Looking at a spiritual standpoint, I think that in some ways we try to bottle up all the good stuff to share and to give to people that we want to help and forget to allow from the abundance of God to partake of his goodness ourselves. Sometimes I want to help someone so badly that I just ache inside and I forget that the goodness of Christ is for All times, even when we have the Godly sorrow that he wants us to have which inspires and urges us to become better. 

Cohesiveness is another term I like to use for spiritual, social and emotional interdependence. Just like nature has it's natural disasters, it also has it's natural way of sorting things out and bringing balance or homeostasis. This is described also quite beautifully in Mosiah 18:9-21. In our missionary work we are mostly looking for new investigators right now in our area since the ones we are working with are not making any real steps forward. As we do that I have come to realize that we have been imbalanced in not being a cohesive unit with the ward. Just taking a step back and realizing that the spirit is there, and is guiding so many things in my life is such a comfort, and I know that there are many people who are just waiting to be found as we work together in cohesiveness. Or in the words of Alma, with our hearts knit together as one. May we all strive to be more cohesive with the spirit and with our surroundings and always be ready to give an answer of the hope that is in us. I love you all! Have a great week!

-- by
Elder McGarry

 Helping the Hermanas move​

Bonus pics that were sent this week from the Edwards who are a CES missionary couple, they said Elder McGarry helped with a record time move for some sister missionaries between conference sessions. They love serving with Jacob. :)

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