Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fear and Godliness

Dear Family and Friends,
Progress is scanty and often illusive but ever worth all the sacrifice required. We are seeing many good things happen here in Alamo, and I feel great joy in the work of service. We are still working with a few people for baptism in the beginning of November. We have also found a couple of wonderful potential investigators from a part member family that recently moved back into Alamo. I'll keep you up to date on that good stuff :)
In pondering the scripture Helaman 3:35 this past week I have been inspired further to be consecrated and dedicated to the Lord's work. Sanctification is a powerful word with such intrepid implications. I see something that is sanctified as unquestionable and perfect. The significance is hard to put into words, yet we hear that word every single week (or we should at least). Being steadfast and immovable is not just something that we can be by thinking about it. Just like reading a recipe will not automatically produce a cake. We must get to action and do it, by yielding our hearts unto God. That is done by consistent and meaningful prayer and pleading to our father in heaven. I have been reminded recently of Nephi's Psalm in 2 Nephi 4 and again chastened for the lack of intent in some of my prayers.
This week I have noticed a lot of evidence of the contrary indications from the scripture I have been pondering. We live in a life of perilous times, as many are aware. I don't hear or see the news, but when I hear little tidbits I am glad that I don't have constant exposure to that. Not because I want to be ignorant of the happenings in the world, but because I know in whom I trust and for me the only significant impact I can make is the one right here where I am now. I want to share that I know that God is mindful of ALL of his children, and the affairs of the World. If people would keep the commandments, we would not see any of the problems we now face, but instead of yielding to God the common theme is that everyone and everything should stop and yield to us, as coming from the general view of people and their views. A question that frequently wafts through my mind is from last April Conference. Simply put, "In the pursuit of me and mine, have I forgotten thee and thine?" Too often we forget that it is not about how fast we complete the course but how well we travel this road we call life in the eyes of the master. Even the simplest form of life has it's ornate beauty and eternal significance in the grand plan. To wrap up this thought, I would ask do we more often act out of the fear of man, or the fear of God?
In regards to that I'll be pondering 3 Nephi 3:16 in the chapter I have begun to call the Lachoneus articles. Many of you may be familiar with this, but I found it interesting that it took so long to get this result in the verse I'll be pondering. The people of the Nephites and the Lamanties are afraid for their lives and their lands as a result of a threat from the Gadianton Robbers. Lachoneus labors to move them to action and is successful to some degree, but overall the people remain unchanged. The people were described to have "[decreased] as to their faith and righteousness, because of the wickedness of the rising generation." (3 Nephi 1:30) I hope that we can recognize the reality of the circumstances that we are in now and rather than decrease as to our faith because of the things going on, we can ACT to increase our faith and desire to follow God and overcome whatever is going on in the world around us. That is being in the world but not of the world after all. In the words of Christ, "...doubt not, fear not." I hope you all have a great week!
​Ayoo' Aniinishni​​
Elder McGarry 

Leaves changing on the grounds! This is the meetinghouse for the Alamo Branch :)
 Louie is a member that accompanies us for lessons two days a week and he is a very good rock artist!​

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