Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Missed One!

Dear Family and Friends,

Sorry I missed my main e-mail last week. We got tied up with some long lists of things to do for this week, so unfortunately I wasn't able to get one sent off. 

As for the work here, it is really cool being able to have a portion of foresight in preparing for things to come in the next few months. I have really come to love the principle of planning, even though I am not the best at it I realize more an dmore how important it is in our everyday lives. I really hope and pray that for the major goals we have set in our area that we'll see the miracles yet to happen through applying what I have learned thus far on my mission. Truly learning is an eternal process, and I am grateful for that. I love the fact that transfers are much like any phase of life. Somtimes you know where you're going, sometimes you don't. Either way the Lord has a plan and it will usually work out in the long runeven if it's not the way we anticipate. Ok enough rambling.

This week my Testimony has been strengthened on the principles of faith and prayer. Many prayers have been answered before my eyes and many others that I may not even be aware of that I believe are for the good of all God's children who seek to love and serve him. I have also realized more what it means to hear the voice of the Lord. In D&C 18 it talks about the call to seek out the 12 apostles, and how they can be recognized. It says by their desires and their works you shal know them. Further it explains that the words that are written are the words of Christ. Those that have desire to know can ask and receive. The words that are written plainly express that it is only by the power of God that we can have them. It was really powerful to read that. Bold and very loving as the words of truth are. Manifested by the spirit and by the power of God it has brought peace to my soul knowing that revelation continues today. Too often we get into the Groove of things and we get scared to step outside of the way things are supposed to be. STOP it. The Atonement is all for the purpose of change. If we are alwys doing the same thing and hoping to get different results we are just insane. The blessings of true and complete repentance are releif, peace, great confidence in our Father in Heaven's love for us despite our weaknesses, as well as a fresh perspective on life, ourselves, and the world around us. Through prayer these and many other blessings can be ours on a daily basis. Real intent is teh key. Tiyng back to a previous statement, God knows our real intent by our desires and our works. No-one else will know perfectly, or can know our deepest desires but our Father in Heaven does. And oh how he wants our righteous desires to become a reality! We just don't allow him to when we choose to follow a different path. I hope and pray that each of us may recognize more clearly the voice of the Lord in our lives and partake of the peace and blessings abundantly available. Recgnize the beauty of creation. Actually take a minute to stop and think about it. Right now. I love you all! have a great day!
Elder McGarry
 Our current Trio, Elder Garnder​, Larkin and McGarry. Or McGardkin :)
Albuquerque Sunsets. The running joke is that if there was nothing below the horizon New Mexico could be one of the most beautiful states!

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