Dear Family and Friends
For P-day I was able to track down a mini print/pocket sized Book of Mormon!
I really love the Book of Mormon and
I have always loved miniature sized things, except candy bars. Don't get me wrong I love candy bars but the bigger the better in that case. Speaking of which, thanks for all the love recently! I am grateful for the letters and packages! Another thing we did for P-day, we deep cleaned our apartment. That wasn't too bad since my companion and I try to just stay on top of keeping things cleaned as we go. So that was that.
The biggest thing on my mind these past few days has been just being honest. I think in general people try to do things that they feel are going to be helpful for them or those around them. Whether this translates the same for others and is interpreted that way by the general populous may be debatable. As we come to a better understanding of who we are eternally as children of the most high God, our actions and behaviors even our very desires are changed by a sense of eternal worth, values and laws. I think one of the saddest things in this life is for someone to be disconnected from the reality that they are a child of God. This is foundationally incorrect in the eternities and a form of dishonesty to ourself and our nature. Starting from that point if we are honest to ourselves and our eternal nature, then we know that there is nothing we can do to earn or become undeserving of the Love our Heavenly Father has for us. President Guffey taught me this in a such a simple powerful way by saying that. Building upon that as we are honest to Father in heaven about weaknesses, shortcomings and other things we struggle with he will show us how we can overcome all things. By embracing this we come closer to realizing the greatest of all the gifts of God, Eternal Life.
"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul-We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."
Article of Faith #13
Simple words today. Short time, but abundance of love!
Have a great week!
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