Dear Family and Friends,
week has been a rollercoaster. We had our MLC training and had to
prepare for that during the first part of the week. During the Training
we did not spend much time as most of the meeting was accountability on
stewardships and counseling on how we can improve. The thing that we did
emphasize though was being finishers. In life there are countless tasks
and demands, which we all sort and prioritize and then obligate time
sufficient to render the results we are striving for. The sum total of
our life is determined by our choices, and that was beautifully
expounded by President Monson this last conference. Though many there
are that begin a task and never see it through to the end. I fall in
this category all too often. In reference to another talk given by then
Elder Thomas S. Monson in the General Conference of 1989 titled
"Finishers Wanted." I strongly encourage each of you to look it up and
review it this week and tell me what you learn from it. That is a
challenge, now I'll see who's really reading my e-mails or not. This
talk has changed me for the better in so many ways. From the smallest
task of being a finisher of the day and closing in sincere nightly
prayer, to the biggest task of this life which is enduring to the end
with our last breathe being a living testimony and witness of the
reality of our Savior Jesus Christ and his Mission as the redeemer of
all mankind. Being a finisher is essential and starts in the smallest
things. LUKE 16:10
"He that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in much,
and he that is unjust in the least is also unjust in much."
that has been on my mind a lot these past few months has been the
significant proportion of the Book of Mormon that is purposed to
witnessing of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the Bible, there is
an account of about 40 days during which time Christ visited the
apostles, they felt his hands and feet, and he ate with them proving his
body is tangible, and that truly he was slain for the sins of the
world. Aside from that there are only accounts of testimonies of his
resurrection and it's eternal importance. The Book of Mormon is not only
another coagulation of testimonies of prophets called of God and given
his authority, the Holy Priesthood, it is much more than that. It is a
witness of the LIVING reality of the Savior and that his work continues
among All of God's children with this one charge: that we "...repent,
all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me and be baptized in my name,
that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost, that ye
may stand spotless before me at the last day." -3 Nephi 27:20 The
reality of Christ's resurrection will be unfolded to the view of all
those who "...will not harden [their] heart..." and further the promise
is " [them] is given a greater portion of the word, until it is
given unto [them] to know the mysteries of God until [they] know them in
full." -Alma 12:10
With this in mind, we know that the life we are in is a probationary
time while we as mortals prepare in everyway we can to live with our
father again. By living the Gospel of Jesus Christ and covenanting with
God through the proper priesthood authority and ordinances of the Gospel
outlined by all of the Holy Prophets since the world began we can truly
be inheritors of Eternal Life, the greatest of all the gifts of God.
This will be obtained because of the Grace of Jesus Christ and by the
judgement which we will be accountable for every action and our head
given to the messengers that he has sent to us all, again and again, and
again in this time of mortal probation. We then, must " work out [our]
own salvation with fear and trembling." -Phil. 2:12 and Alma 34:37 "...with fear before God." Because Godly fear is different than worldly fear.
calm reassurance the spirit brings to know that we will all be
partakers of the resurrection of our bodies. On top of that, through our
choices and our actions we show whether or not we truly want to live
with our Father and be partakers of his gift of Eternal life. We will
each acknowledge that individually before the Lord and graciously
proclaim that his judgements are just. I am glad that I get to share
this knowledge with people, no matter where I am. I love all of you!
Thanks for your support and encouragement! Have a fabulous week.
Elder McGarry
Famous car selfie:-dropping off some dying Missionaries... :/
Nothing to set the camera on, but this is at the Temple!
This was sent with the message that your boys are alive and well and full, Love the Shepherds
Mothers day skype session!
Mothers day skype session!
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