Dear Friends and Family,
week, I am writing to tell you that I am alive and well. My new address
is: 4400 Presidential Dr. NE Suite E Albuquerque NM, 87109. I'll just
be getting mail from the mission office now since it is very near where I
actually live. I will likely be staying in this area, the La Cueva Ward
and the Rivers Edge YSA for the remainder of my mission! That's
exciting :)
are teaching a few people right now, most of which I have not met
yet... But I'll keep you up to date on that. I read Alma 5 this week,
and it works great for those who have thought to themselves "Man, I'd
really like to have a personal interview with a Prophet." Lots of
questions on that chapter that can really gauge where we stand with our
father in heaven.
Love you all!! Have a great week!
Elder McGarry
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