Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Dear Family and Friends,

I am happy to be at the start of a new week. Last week was pretty rough! Not only for me, but it seemed that something was overall causing some problems in the surrounding areas. One missionary I talked to mentioned that it could have something to do with elections. I realized that could be true though I don't know much about it I hear bit and pieces. This next week is transfers, and Saturday night we will find out what's going on with that. Just around the corner is General Conference. 

Something that really stands out to me from this past week is what we talked about in the district council I attended. It was made evident to me that I have been confusing Godly Sorrow with discouragement. When we come across someone that is not doing the things we know God wants them to do, in the simplest form (not to place unrighteous judgement by any means or in the smallest degree) it causes a feeling of sorrow. I have often confused that feeling with discouragement. This cannot be! True the world that we live in is a place where confusion, disappointment and deception are rampant. But we need not fear any of that. Just as it poses the question in John 18:7-8, and I would add "do we trust?", will the Son of man find faith on the Earth when He comes again? Just because the world is in bad terms does not mean that we can be discouraged. In fact when we distinguish that discouragement in it's place and feel the eternal power of Godly sorrow these things can be the very motivation and enabling power we need in order to carry out our duties as disciples of Jesus Christ. We have the light that shines through all that darkness and deception. We have the light of Revelation. We cannot settle for mediocrity in our faith because of the wavering and tossed about values that the world claims to hold. we must be as King Benjamin has implored, steadfast and immovable. As Jacob exemplified in the face of the anti Christ sherom, he COULD not be moved. (BofM - Jacob 7) There is a parable in D&C 101 that talks about servants commanded to build a vineyard, a hedge, and a tower with watchmen. But they were slothful in building the tower, because they were not in immediate way of threat. As a result they lost everything when a thief broke down the hedge int he night. That tower for us is the words of living prophets and the necessity is unparalleled. We cannot substitute the need for that guidance. No amount of looking for signs of the times and paying attention to news is going to help us be prepared for the things we must be prepared for. 

To wrap up, I want to share how much joy it is to serve. We helped a 90 year old investigator clean up his yard yesterday. He served in the world war on the island of Iwo Jima. Very few made it back from that battle, and it is amazing to see the hand of the Lord in the lives of his children all around us. These things we would never know if we never took a small moment to go out of our way to help another Son or Daughter of God that needs us right now. Serve, that brings true and lasting enjoyment no matter what!! 

Elder McGarry

 Another Temple pic
Exchanges w/ Elder Wood

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