Dear Family and Friends,
I am, true to tale, e-mailing on Monday this week because transfers are tomorrow.
I will be staying in Alamo yet again and I am so glad. I have been a
long term member of the Los Lunas Stake of New Mexico and it has really
grown on me. I love my family away from home. It is not entirely common
to spend so much time in one stake on a mission I don't think, but I am
not complaining! I think it is great :) I've seen it trough three stake
conferences now, along with a new stake presidency and changing
bishoprics to boot. Everyone else in our District is also staying the
same, so we have another 6 weeks for the four of us in the middle of
nowhere to really work hard and see the fruits of the Gospel spreading
through the vineyard.
conference was amazing yesterday. I can't even begin to express how
much I learned and felt the spirit. The first speaker was Lynn G.
Robbins who spoke about how never before in the history of the world
have there been so many distractions and opportunities for paths to
diverge and conflict. Not even necessarily with bad or outright
rebellious things, but with things that are not of true worth. The
message was to Simplify. The Christlike attribute of simplicity is one
that is being drown out by the overwhelming surge of commercialism and
consumerism. To wrap that thought up I would say no more that a quote of
whom I know not the source. It is this "Simplicity is the true form of
sophistication." One of my favorite examples that was given was Joseph
Smith's concise and doctrinal profound exhibition of the entirety of the
restored gospel in the short and simple 13 Articles of Faith. Another
great talk was given by Elder Corbridge of the 70. He emphasized that
there have been and there will always be questions that will make you
question your testimony. The list of these could continue on forever and
if we seek to prove truth by trial and error we will be in an uphill
battle with an avalanche of doubts and uncertainty. The questions that
really matter are the primary questions and any other secondary
questions will not hinder us if we know these simple truths. They are:
1. Is there a God in heaven and is he our father? 2. Is his Son Jesus
Christ the savior of the world? 3. Is Joseph Smith a prophet of God? 4.
Is the kingdom of God once again restored to the earth along with the
Lord's Church? These four questions will be answered as clearly as night
and day when we truly seek and ask with real intent. Then we may
understand not only by our conscious reasoning, nor by the obvious
witness of the facts that are abundantly before us, but by the all
important and unparalleled significance of gaining a witness of the
truth of these things by the spirit of revelation which is the spirit of
God and of all truth.
also want to briefly mention that the Baptism has been moved to next
week, it would be easier to have the confirmation the following day
rather than a week later. I got to participate in the Ordination of
Martin Segura to the office of an Elder after the conference was over.
He and his wife were some of the people that were taught and baptized
while I served in the Sage ward. That was a tender mercy of God. It was
good to see so many wonderful people that I know again. The only thing I
could even wish for now would be snow, I could go for some good snow
about now :)
Until next week I hope you all have a great time, learning and growing and becoming the best you can be :)
Ayoo Aniinishini
Elder McGarry
Famous Companion vehicle picture :)
Last P-day, some exploring at the Old Kelly NM mine and a good district hike.

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