Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Dear Family and Friends,
I first want to mention that Conference was so uplifting and edifying. I learned so much and I look forward to pouring over the messages again and again as these next six months fly by. I also have to add that Ponderizing is and ahs been one of my favorite things to do. Normally I try to memorize word for word, so as not to distort the meaning in any small way. I am glad to have a name and a specific goal to attach it to and I hope that each of you have found something that you can improve upon as a result of conference. My verse of ponderization is Alma 61:14 this week. If any of you are also doing this challenge I would invite you to send your verses to me :) I'd love to hear them.
My object in writing today is to show how the Lord has been so careful in putting us in the place that we are and in the circumstances that we are in life. I read a verse of scripture today that hit me, it talked about the Nephites and how the were lifted up in pride unto rebellion against their Brethren. The wording thereafter is such an important indicator and warning for us. It is this (Helaman 3:36) "...and IT did grow upon them from Day to Day." (Emphasis added) We have so many of these things that grow upon us from day to day. Just like Amalakiah caused that Lehonti should be poisoned "by degrees." We in our natural course of life may not seek earnestly to be prideful. We may not seek to hurt someone's feelings. But, by and by we are lead to do things that we would not normally do, and even by our choice. In such is the truth of Galations chapter 5 illustrated so plainly, that the Flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh. As we yield to the spirit we are made to cause course corrections, and some more drastic than others. We are to put it directly, chastened by the Lord into a better course of action. Though many take chastening to be hard. Many think that their actions are not in direct rebellion against God but only a different view of the same things. This is a falsehood that the adversary exploits every second of every day. If you are not for him you are against him. There is no in-between, imaginary land where we can watch the battle being waged on those around us. The Lord's path is simple. Exact obedience with his commandments as our first priority. I have been chastened many times. It is a humbling experience. But I know that if we take these things to heart and Change our heart to God's will then we will feel an immense sense of unexplainable peace and comfort in this world of confusion and turmoil. Whom the Lord Loves He Chastens.
One more bit of exciting news. Elder Dunn was able to perform his first Baptism Last Friday! Kymelia was so happy and it was a great day!
I love you all and I hope that you have a great week!
Ayoo' Aniinishni​
Elder McGarry 

Kymelia's Baptism
Another one next week :)

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