Dear Family and Friends,
This has been another week in Alamo! We are trying to really focus on church attendance as you have probably noticed from my recent e-mails. There is a couple who are preparing to be baptized, Frank and Hattie who are such great people. Frank use to be a preacher, he speaks only Navajo though he understands much of the English Language. Hattie is a very productive hard working woman. It is hard to catch her at home, but we finally found that Wednesdays before 10:00 am are a good time to catch them both. We will be having a baptismal service for them soon, we need to make sure that they are coming to church first though.
That is where I will break from that because I think that church is a wonderful thing. We are commanded to meet together often and to teach each other out of the best books, "words of wisdom." Though the real reason we go to church is to take the sacrament and renew our covenants. This is so perfect because there is no better way to foster growth than with a perfect plan that is designed to help us turn our weaknesses into strengths. After we are baptized we face many trials. We are committed to learn about a kingdom that we cannot see, and all while living in a world that is less and less of a resemblance of that eternal world. This world is full of possibility, potential and limitless bounds none can fathom. We by our choices make the life that we live in for the most part. Given there are some things we simply do not have control over, we ultimately decide what kind of life we live. To grow in the knowledge of God is not easy. In fact in the world that we live in it was foretold that it would be very difficult. Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Paradise in which they resided to Learn and understand and choose good over evil. That is what fosters growth.
I had a good interview with my Mission President, whom I respect and appreciate dearly, on Sunday. I had mentioned that even with the evidence and manifestations of success, sometimes I still don't feel successful. I am grateful for the simple council he gave, that growth is defined and measured in our struggles and our challenges. If we keep going no matter what the challenge or what the trial is, then we truly grow. The Lord GIVES us weaknesses (Ether 12:27) and we must be willing to submit "to all things which [He] see's fit to inflict upon [us], even as a child doth submit to his father." (Mosiah 3:19). We are all being tried and tested each and every day. Sometimes we can't see the next steps to take. The mists of darkness of Lehi's dream are not just literal foggy paths, they can be confusion, despair, doubt, fear, uncertainty, mental blocks (I sometimes have those), or anything else that is contrary to the spirit of the Lord. All of these things fade away and are meaningless when we truly trust in the Lord and hold to the rod, or in other words continually feast on the word of God and act out of love in whatever circumstance we may be in. Know that the path has already been made sure. The end of that path is God's kingdom. We may walk in 'silence' for days, weeks, months, or even years. We may not know what curves are ahead or mountains there are to climb. Just like in the talk Choose to Believe in Conference, the girl made it to safety because she kept moving regardless of being able to see the light in distance or not. We too must choose to believe that the course we are on, will indeed take us back to our father in heaven. I know that it will, and I hope that each of you can see the beauty and diversity that the challenges in this life bring. Develop every skill that you can and do not stop improving. Do something every day to be better than you were the day before, or at least to make the world around you a little bit better place. That is how we grow. I love you all and wish you the best!
Ayoo' Aniinishni
Elder McGarry
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