Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Foster Growth

Dear Family and Friends,
This has been another week in Alamo! We are trying to really focus on church attendance as you have probably noticed from my recent e-mails. There is a couple who are preparing to be baptized, Frank and Hattie who are such great people. Frank use to be a preacher, he speaks only Navajo though he understands much of the English Language. Hattie is a very productive hard working woman. It is hard to catch her at home, but we finally found that Wednesdays before 10:00 am are a good time to catch them both. We will be having a baptismal service for them soon, we need to make sure that they are coming to church first though. 
That is where I will break from that because I think that church is a wonderful thing. We are commanded to meet together often and to teach each other out of the best books, "words of wisdom." Though the real reason we go to church is to take the sacrament and renew our covenants. This is so perfect because there is no better way to foster growth than with a perfect plan that is designed to help us turn our weaknesses into strengths. After we are baptized we face many trials. We are committed to learn about a kingdom that we cannot see, and all while living in a world that is less and less of a resemblance of that eternal world. This world is full of possibility, potential and limitless bounds none can fathom. We by our choices make the life that we live in for the most part. Given there are some things we simply do not have control over, we ultimately decide what kind of life we live. To grow in the knowledge of God is not easy. In fact in the world that we live in it was foretold that it would be very difficult. Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Paradise in which they resided to Learn and understand and choose good over evil. That is what fosters growth. 
I had a good interview with my Mission President, whom I respect and appreciate dearly, on Sunday. I had mentioned that even with the evidence and manifestations of success, sometimes I still don't feel successful. I am grateful for the simple council he gave, that growth is defined and measured in our struggles and our challenges. If we keep going no matter what the challenge or what the trial is, then we truly grow. The Lord GIVES us weaknesses (Ether 12:27) and we must be willing to submit "to all things which [He] see's fit to inflict upon [us], even as a child doth submit to his father." (Mosiah 3:19). We are all being tried and tested each and every day. Sometimes we can't see the next steps to take. The mists of darkness of Lehi's dream are not just literal foggy paths, they can be confusion, despair, doubt, fear, uncertainty, mental blocks (I sometimes have those), or anything else that is contrary to the spirit of the Lord. All of these things fade away and are meaningless when we truly trust in the Lord and hold to the rod, or in other words continually feast on the word of God and act out of love in whatever circumstance we may be in. Know that the path has already been made sure. The end of that path is God's kingdom. We may walk in 'silence' for days, weeks, months, or even years. We may not know what curves are ahead or mountains there are to climb. Just like in the talk Choose to Believe in Conference, the girl made it to safety because she kept moving regardless of being able to see the light in distance or not. We too must choose to believe that the course we are on, will indeed take us back to our father in heaven. I know that it will, and I hope that each of you can see the beauty and diversity that the challenges in this life bring. Develop every skill that you can and do not stop improving. Do something every day to be better than you were the day before, or at least to make the world around you a little bit better place. That is how we grow. I love you all and wish you the best!
Ayoo' Aniinishni
​Elder McGarry
P.S. Thanks for all the Birthday Wishes! I am 23, and it feels remarkably similar to being 22... but worlds different from 21 Weird. ;)

A horny toad that Austin (Mikes grandson) found!

A flash flood that left a flood in Mike's driveway in only 15 minutes.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Filling the Void

Dear Family and Friends,
This week has been great in many ways, and a tremendous struggle in many others. I want to start by saying thanks to all of you who have taken time to write me and update me on your adventures and lives. I hope you continue to have success and the blessings of joy and happiness.
My message today is sort of impromptu, so I hope that the spirit will make up for my weakness in writing. There is a big difference between a testimony and conversion. You all know that very well I'm sure. The thing that has stood out to me this week is that there is only a void of nothingness and pain when we do not follow the path that has been prescribed by our father. It is a vicious cycle to fill a whirlpool, no matter what you throw in it the depth thereof will swallow it up and the storm will continue on. I was told once by a seminary teacher that light feels good when it moves. It feels good when it enters into us and it also feels good when it leaves. The feeling we have after is the main difference. It's like a two lane highway, and there is no safe middle ground. True conversion comes when we know our purpose. We become one with God when we become one with his purpose, and is not his purpose "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man?"
I am left to Glory, after a week like this last one, that God has a perfect plan. This plan is not to throw things into a whirlpool until it is filled up. His plan has been, and is, and will be until the end of this world, to send his Son to calm the whirlpools of life. His presence fills all voids of pain and suffering. For me the feeling of despair is no stranger. I have had it many times. Sometimes we don't even realize it if we are focused on the wrong things. That is the way that many people live their lives, focused on the wrong things never realizing that the are sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness. Because of the gradual decent it is not discernible right away. Often it is too late by the time we do recognize it. These moments of recognition are times for decision. We can choose to try and fill the gap with our own resources, our own strength or our own knowledge. Or we can turn to Christ and seek his help. HE only can calm the storms that we face. HE only can fill the void of pain and regret. And his way, if we are truly converted, is so much easier! The pains that some along the way are to remind us of where we have been, so that we can then recognize where we are. Just as the light darkens gradually so it is when it lightens. The trial is avoiding those enticing and inviting temptations of the things we use to enjoy.
Our biggest struggle as a branch and as a church is conversion. People do not recognize the true meaning of what it is to be converted. It does not mean that we just know something is true in our heart. It means that we know it is true to the point that we DO something about it. Serving and taking Christ's name upon us is not just a one time thing. Developing Christ-like attributes is a daily and moment to moment pursuit. Our faith is shown by our actions. Christ told Peter, "when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." I hope that I can be a better example of that. I know that the atonement is real and that the Lord has made up the difference from our weaknesses and mistakes. The work is moving along, and we all get to be part of it! Keep up the good work and always turn to Christ, let the light fill you up and then you can't help but share it :)  
Ayoo' Aniinishni
Elder McGarry

Elder McUne and I by a Boxcar Museum in Magdalena NM 
Rainbows are a regular occurrence lately :) ​

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Dear Family and Friends,
This week has been brutal for indicators of progress. We have had meetings as we do during the first or second weeks of a new month and many people have been away from home, including us, in the outlying communities for many different activities. I guess summer is in full swing! I have heard reports from many of you of rain storms and lightning! There has been no shortage of that here! I have seen a great deal of lightning nearly every day for the past three weeks! On one occasion we were driving down a hill into a recent convert's family residence and the very hill we were on got struck, violently shaking the surrounding environment and deafening our ears. Not five mintues later after sitting down on the couch in the home, another bolt in the back yard rattled windows and left me gripping the arm of the couch, hoping to catch another breath of air. Fireworks hold no candle to a true lightning storm. That's all I have to say about that.
Despite all of the events of the week that could be disclosed as reasons for despair and discouragement, I hold high hopes for improvements to come. I am also happy to report another Baptism this past weekend! April is a truly faithful and sincere person. We had a very powerful discussion in which we were going over the baptismal interview questions and it came to the Prophet Joseph Smith. She said she is just barely learning about Jesus Christ and she wants to follow him. Her concerns were evident, so we talked a little about her feelings and invited her to pray to know that these things are true. The power of a pure simple prayer with real intent cannot reasonably be described through medium of simple words. But I can say that The spirit was nearly tangible in that room as she sincerely spoke with her Father in Heaven. I read a passage from Alma 32 after which she said it was Exactly the way that she felt. We all learned an important lesson on Faith that day and she truly accepted the invitation of the savior, purely through Faith, having no other witness than the simple and powerful word of God that entered her heart. The Baptism was simple, only her mother attended aside from me my companion and our branch Elder's Quorum President.
We just got inducted into an educational recognition activity. We e-mail at the Adult Education Center here on the reservation and it is the end of their fiscal year. With that comes reports as we all know, and with that they are recognizing advancements people have made. I think that is such a good thing to celebrate! Even better than a birthday. But that's my opinion. There was some great food though so that was good :) Now getting back into this real quick. 
 I can say that from these I know that Pure Happiness comes from living the Gospel and, more importantly, keeping the commandments. We all cam from the presence of God and all of us, good or bad, who have been born into the world are given the light of Christ. When we learn of the truths we once knew before we were born into mortality they will feel right. If we choose not to live by them then we are going against our eternal nature. Have you ever known someone that lives a "double life" or a "double standard?" I have, because I am one of them. I think we all are to some degree. Yet I bring up this example because when we see it in others it is so easy to distinguish and often ostracize. "Ye cannot serve two masters," "I would that ye would be either Hot or Cold." Happiness doesn't come from jumping around to whatever seems the most exciting, or energizing, or pleasing. I think you all know that very well. Yet sometimes our natural and mortal frame succumbs to these simple quick fixes. Really we need a solid foundation built up with values and standards that we can live true to. Things that we can measure ourselves against that are NOT worldly standards that change overnight, with every whim and lustful desire people imagine up in their hearts. That foundation comes when we have faith in Jesus Christ. When we choose to keep the commandments it is so liberating because we are being true to our eternal nature. When you are totally and completely true to your God and yourself, then confidence in and of eternal potential are only a natural result. Then none of the worldly standards even matter. The only thing that matters is truth. I hope that we can all continue to find the eternal truths that God is trying to guide us to. I know that there is much pain and confusion and doubt. None of that will stand in the presence of truth and pure knowledge with comes from repentance. This is a glimpse of the feeling that I had from the experience of teaching, but more importantly learning from April this week. I love you all very much and hope that you are well. Have a great week!
Ayoo' Aniinishni
April's Baptism!!

Another Cute Puppy. Taken while playing with Tonka Trucks with Malcom, Anlgelita's son. ​(Angelita was the first person Baptized when I got here. She's in Alaska working for the summer.)

Monday, July 6, 2015

A Land of Liberty

Dear Family and Friends,
Here I am at the start of another transfer. (Sorry for the lack of heads up last week for the switched e-mailing day! I'll try to do better!) My Companion and I are going to stay in Alamo at least another six weeks! We have had a whole lot of rain lately. Haha, Elder Funk (The vehicle coordinator) is not going to like that news because we have 95% dirt raods that we travel on. 4 Wheel Drive is a must because the 80%sand 20%clay soil in this area makes one slippery road to drive on when it is wet and one joy of a mess to clean up after. But in other news, HAPPY (Belated) 4TH OF JULY! I hope that you all enjoyed it greatly. Remember 2 Nephi 1:7. Now that I think about it I will write about that most of today so let me digress for just one moment to some follow-up notes from last week.

I want, not to apologize for the 'chastening', but to explain my reasons why I said what I did. In the Story of the people of Zeniff who is King Noah's Father, I see a very direct link to where we are in life today. Zeniff left the people of his home land, so did Columbus (Columbus is the closest parallel to our day I could put in one word.) He settled in a land of inheritance, so did Columbus. His people were righteous for a while and then they had rulers put over them that chose wickedness over righteousness. Have not we seen the same things happen in relatively similar progression? Just yesterday (Church-wide statement released on the supreme court decision legalizing homogamy or same gender marriages under the law) our prophets have told us that our Nation's Leaders are in outright rebellion against one of God's most divine and sacred commandments. I can't remember who it was that said it but one of the apostles mentioned something along the lines of Sometimes we can't just read the scriptures, sometimes we have to live them. Doesn't it say that King Noah caused his people to commit sins and abominations.
I have to put a plug in here. I don't want to sound insensitive or hardhearted, because I do not feel that way at all. I know that his is a very sensitive subject and I do want to express my love and my sincere desire for to understand and help anyone that may be effected directly by this topic. 

The things that happened to Noah's people are almost a direct comparison to the things we are dealing with today. And my only desire is to emphasize the eternal importance and significance of keeping God's commandments and NOT "following after the desires of our heart" as did King Noah. The Lord is very compassionate and loving. He has a perfect understanding and He has overcome ALL temptation and then for our sakes and for the sake of those that give in to temptation, He continued to suffer for the sins of all of God's children. All this so that, "We might now suffer if we would repent." I hope that I can begin to express my love and desire for all of you to stay strong in the testimony of the Book of Mormon. It is the Word of God and it will truly point us to God's Kingdom. Even among people and in the midst of a nation that openly condones abominations of all kinds not only immorality but insensitivity, greed, hate, murders, wars, and indeed the very definition of "calling good evil, and evil good," WE as faithful and active participants in the Gospel of Jesus Christ can indeed have our burdens lightened and our hearts put at peace. The Lord's Promise in 2 Nephi 1:7 is still in effect today, and I know that to be true. IT has effect on a national scale but more directly on an individual level. God will protect each one of us only through obedience, the first law of heaven. The Prophets have declared many times and are declaring many times to all the world and many Would and Will not hear. For those that keep faithfully following the commandments there will be so much in store. For me this knowledge is exciting and liberating. This is a land of Liberty for All who choose to hear the words of the Lord through the scriptures and through living prophets. Again I turn to the story of King Noah and close with this thought, how many people actually listened to the Prophet? How many people were left in the 'general population' of the city and then subject to bondage and burdens and afflictions? I invite each of us to consider the standing that we have. Are we just being passive receivers of whatever come our way, or are we seeking the word of the Lord. The followers who made it out of bondage at that time were the ones who sought out Alma in the forest and learned the words of Christ. They had farms and jobs and families to support and friends to hang out with and other activities too. This has been weighing heavily on my mind and I hope that I can effectively share it with the people here that I serve. We are in a very wonderful time on the earth. I know that the Work of the Lord is hastening and we are part of it if we choose to be. I love you all :) I hope that you have a great week and that you are continually growing in all aspects of life. Seize every moment and keep pressing onward!

Ayoo' Aniinishni * (The pronunciation of this, as best as I can write, is: I-yoh-nishney. It means I Love you in Navajo :)

Can't beat that for a planter box right? Haha :)

Navajo Children are just so stinking Cute! ​