Dear Family and Friends,
This last week we had a great zone conference! No special visitors, except one, The Holy Ghost. :) Tricked ya! but not really because he is there for all of us. But we had a lot of guidance on how we can be better listeners and better head the promptings of the spirit. The thing that really stuck out to me was that the spirit isn't always so strong we are filled, and overwhelmed. I think that many of us get into the mindset that if we can't feel the "Burn" then the spirit isn't thereat that moment. I had to be reminded that the spirit is in the background most of the time, just giving slight brushing thoughts in our minds. It is not always a voice that directs us in every step of our journey here on this earth. It was never intended to be. We are agents unto ourselves, given many gifts from our father which also makes us stewards. We need to act as the agents that we are doing many things of our own free will right? That is the goal of the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. To train us up until the point where our thoughts are the same as our Father in Heaven. I have a long way to go though. The thing that popped into my head was D&C 58; that we need to be anxiously engaged in a good cause.
This week we were not able to see as many people as we normally do. This area is amazing for teaching! We usually have at least 40 lessons a week. That is a lot. The thing is it gets hard to remember what to teach so many different people, because not only do we teach that many one week, but the next week it could be quite a few different people that we teach. So needless to say it is so important that the spirit is there to help us really understand these people and their needs. Without that we would have very little hope of making any impact on anyone. But with it we are even astounded with many of the things that we learn in each scenario that we are presented with. The spirit is so powerful and wonderful. I love the guidance that it gives.
We had some powerful experiences yesterday. After weekly planning we had the chance to go help a man move. His mother died a little under a year ago and he was moving to a smaller place in the same apartment complex so it was quick and easy. But right after we left we had to go bless a home where there was a lot of, what would people say paranormal activity. Anyway the family was terrified so we went to bless their home. That lead us to a discussion about the gospel and ultimately two new investigators. Then we had dinner with a less active family and an appointment right after. The appointment was with a part member family, and it fell through. The cool thing was, just down the road a little old lady was sweeping her drive. We went talk to her and ask her for some brooms to help. She actually started talking to us before we got close enough to ask. Cynthia is battling Cancer and she is a Christian converted from Catholic. We had a wonderful conversaion about the church and general conference this weekend (Which I am So excited for by the way!) as well as missionary work. We asked her if we could explain the Book of Mormon a little bit more and she was vey excited to learn. Too bad we had just given away our last copy to Yvette that morning. But we will be going back to teach her and we are getting another box of 40 BOM this week so that should tide us over for a bit :)
So in one day we found or cam in contact with 4 new investigators. I don't know any other way that that could happen unless it was guided by the spirit. I love this work and all the blessings that it brings. The next baptism coming up is Anthony and he is a Stud. He always reads 4 or more chapters ahead of his "Homework" Martin who was baptized the Saturday before last finished the BOM in one month! Now he is starting over with his wife to help her learn to read better and understand it all. Miracles happen every day. I love you all so much and I pray that we can all better recognize the still small voice that has changed more in this world than any other single influence (Considering Christ's Atonement as an event). It is by his guidance that all the scriptures came about and also by his power that God will continue to pour pout revelation and mysteries to all those who are willing to seek them and live by them. A man might as well try to stop the Missouri river with his arm than try to stop God's revelation through the Holy Ghost on the heads of the Latter Day Saints. (D&C 121:33)
Elder McGarry
(Sorry I forgot my Camera, I'll have to send pictures next week)
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