Dear Friends and Family,
a day late this week because of Veterans Day yesterday. While I'm on
the topic I want to sincerely thank all of my friends and family who
have served our country defending our freedom. In particular my Dad who
has been a great strength in my life and I'm so grateful to be called
his son. If any of you forgot to thank those people you know who have
served in the military I urge you to take a moment to do it today. They
have sacrificed more than we know to stand up for all of us and allow us
to have the lives that we do.
week has been so great! In zone conference we set a goal to make this
month a Miracle Month. Our God is a God of Miracles, but we only obtain
anything through faith. Anyone that understands faith knows that it
requires effort. Ether 12:12.
Faith is a requirement for Miracles. Throughout this chapter is states
over and over that none of the scriptures would have been fulfilled
without this faith. In verse 27 we all know that if we humble ourselves
and come to God in faith he will make our weaknesses into strengths. The
biggest thing that I took away from Zone Conference is that I can teach
people and "Give them a Fish" over and over. But until we learn how to
fish we will be as it says in James 1:22
"...hearers only, deceiving your own selves." We are striving to teach
this to our investigators and less-actives alike and it has been very
effective. I think the principle that i think of is best described by a
quote I heard at the MTC "The study of doctrines will do more to change
behavior than the study of behavior will ever do." I wish I knew who
said it.
work here is going SO well. We have two new investigators just from
this last week! The Lord is working in the hearts of men all around us.
One in particular is a young man just older than me named Manuel. He has
been in the Army for four years and when he deployed to Afghanistan one
of his comrades gave him a book. You'll never guess which one! (It was a
Book of Mormon *in case my blonde mother needs to read through this
Quickly(LOVE YOU MOM, I miss our laughs)) So he's had this book for four
years. Now he is going to school and taking a world religion class
where he has a final project to either write a paper on religion or
investigate a religion to find out more about them. This may be taken as
coincidence but I know that the Lord does work by small and simple
means and those that are willing and have faith to ask are blessed. We
made it very plain that we are Missionaries and as such we Will be
inviting him to make commitments and exercise faith in the things that
we teach him and he is progressing so well. The Lord is great and I'm so
grateful to be able to be part of this great work!
hope that all of you are doing well! I'm glad to hear that a lot of you
are and thank you for your letters and your support. I look forward to
this next week and can't wait to see how it turns out for all of us.
Pray for Miracles exercise Faith, and the Lord promises that you will
see them.
Elder McGarry

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