Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Dear Family and Friends, 

First off, I am writing early this week because transfers are tomorrow and I will be... Staying in Alamo with Elder Dunn :)    (Sorry for the lack of notice, things were crazy last week.)
I have been thinking a lot this week about general conference. I have thought a time or two, why can't we have general conference once a month? That would be great. But I'm glad it's only semi-annually. I don't know about all of you, but it takes me a little time to adjust and change my nature, so I can only take so many things to work on at a time. Things are going well here in Alamo. We have a Baptism scheduled for this Friday so that should be a great time! 
Fall is in full swing, and we are gearing up for a cold winter it seems. When someone asks me what my favorite season is I usually have to say all of them, because I like them each for what they are, but I think the changing from one to the next is my favorite. Maybe the best answer for that question to me would be The Next One. So for right now, I can't wait to see some snow again! Last year the Alamo elders got snowed in, so hopefully we won't get too bad but what happens happens. Last night we had an awesome view of the Lunar eclipse, Elder Dunn let me take a panorama with his camera at sunset. Enjoy! 
Changes are a great part of life. I have been feeling a lot of anticipation this week, and I wasn't sure why. But now I know! There have been some changes in my life in many ways and I am glad that we have the ability to adapt to changes. Our mission is expanding, opening up 8 new areas this transfer, and I still have the best area in the mission! (I know it might be biased but I'm totally liable to my own opinion.) Changes give us an opportunity to refresh our view and to make new decisions based off an entirely new set of criteria. Some changes in life are good, and some may not be very pleasing in our limited foresight, but they are, believe it or not, also good. God has a plan for each one of his children and though we may not even comprehend or know what it is right now, we do have a set of criteria and a perfect opportunity to choose to be the best we can. Often we have to make changes in our lives to be alignment with God's plan. Praying is really a chance for us to humble ourselves and ask for help to better understand His plan for us. We too often bring up
our desires and make pleas and bargains and favors, when he already knows what we need before we even ask him. The Plan of Salvation was the topic of our priesthood class this week, and it was said that it is simply this easy. The Plan of Salvation is families. We work so hard to seal families together for time and all eternity. That is what God wants. A change is simply and invitation from the natural course of life to trust in God. Trust that He is, Trust that He cares, Trust that He knows what is best for You. I hope that you all have a great week! I haven't heard from some of you in a while! Let me know how you're doing :) I love you and wish you the best!
Ayoo' Aniinishni​

Elder McGarry

Sunset and Eclipse

A bunch of People are getting ready for Halloween! I get the best "costume" ever though :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Self-Mastery (vs. Nehor)

Dear Family and Friends,
The first part of my letter just got moved to the last part. It's just a thought process that really influenced the way that I look at things and I felt I should share it. First and foremost though, I though I'd say I'm doing Great! I have had some pretty interesting experiences this week. One in particular, we were talking to a member of out Branch as we filled up our cooler with fresh water when a modern day "Nehor" came and engaged us in conversation (or condescension more like). He introduced himself as a preacher and a missionary. He then proceeded to take every single point of doctrine that he could think of and began to contradict it so as to inflict doubt and fear in us and the member (whom he obviously was not aware that she was a member.) Admittedly, I was taken aback, hoping initially to have a reasonable and uplifting conversation about Christ. Instead we were barraged with an onslaught of accusations and implications that we had been "deceived" and that God is a spirit and so many other things. At a moment that seemed as though he would let up, the member we were with voiced her bold declaration that she was a "Mormon" and she didn't appreciate his telling any of us how to believe and anything else that he had said. My thoughts were "YES! WHAT A CHAMP!" and my words were simply that we would love to continue to discus the topic but in a civilized manner. This was a very eye opening experience and I was so proud of that member who proudly stood up and said that she knew what she believed was true. What a testimony builder for her and her sister. This experience illustrated a principle that our mission president had endeavored to instill by inviting us to study a talk by Lynn G Robins on "Tasting the Light of Christ" The idea is that as we compare light and truth with it's opposite we can gain a greater illumination of what we know to be true. How true that is. My God is an eternal being of Flesh and Blood and Jesus Christ is his Son. Jesus Christ the first born in spirit making him my eldest brother in the family of God and the Only Begotten of the father in the flesh, from whence his divine son ship is complete and his power is endless and encompassing.  The spirit of God is the third member of that perfectly unified Godhead and they in unity are the very eternal head of this gospel and universe.
In other news we have a few baptisms to mention. On Oct. 2 we will have a baptism for Kymelia who is so excited! She is 8 and her love for the Book of Mormon is so refreshing! Angela and Marvin are still progressing well. Overall the work is progressing and I am loving my time here in the Alamo :) One note of humor, my companion is being trained In Alamo, and the only other elder in the mission that was trained here called himself the last air-bender. He is an AP and he'll be going home before too long which means, I will be the Trainer and mission father of the last air-bender!! Ok ok I know that's kind of nerdy but it's kind of cool too :) This next one is my thought for the week, but it's kind of long so enter at your own accord. Otherwise, I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Endeavoring to establish a more perfect union, my learning and growth this week has been focused on self-mastery. There are so many times that people will say, "That is what the Gospel is all about." Well I think that there are many things that could be tagged with that statement, probably Love as being the most common. I think that Love is the most frequent result of living the Gospel. It is also the motivating force Behind a true commitment to follow the teaching of the gospel "...press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of All men..." (2 Nephi 31:20) For me I have become aware of SO many things that I could do to be better, and SO many habits that I would like to develop, and so many traits that I would like to have as a person. But I just get lost trying to keep track of them let alone even trying to apply them in my life. This is why The one and ONLY way is to Believe in Christ and to follow his teachings. Within that realm there are only a very few specific things that we are able given strict command to do or not to do. For most things though we are allowed to Choose, agency, and we are just left to our own devices with the guidance of the spirit to become the best that we can be. I have realized that the two choices in all that we do, good or bad, are really better interpreted as spiritually beneficial or temporally beneficial. Our natural senses are constantly striving to be satisfied, and appeased. Our senses feel pleasure and the consequence is a good feeling right now. Before I get all theoretical and stuff I'll wrap this up. I guess the biggest thing that I realized is that every choice we make is are we doing this as an appeasement of our natural senses, or is this truly going to guide me to be my very best self? Self-mastery is the opposite of carnal mindedness, sensuality, and ultimately the Natural man. Seeking for self mastery is a life long pursuit and the Gospel is the way that we are able to be totally freed from guilt and suffering. Jesus was the perfect and willing sacrifice that gave his life for us. He is also the Son of God. As we sacrifice the things in this life that are not in alignment with God's eternal plan for us then we will feel of the truth and power of his love. That is repentance and the path to self-mastery.
That's my thought, hopefully it made sense! Take... Luck  :) 

Elder McGarry

It's hard to climb in Dress shoes... This is Box Canyon :)
Another view, with a cave :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Dear Family and Friends,

This may be a little bit of a shorter note. This week we have been impressed to talk about forgiveness a LOT. I can't help but think how we could all learn more fully and completely how to forgive either things that have long since passed and have been left undone, and even more in each and every moment. 

The good things we are looking forward to: General Conference! The baptism of Angela and Marvin, (Still a little ways off till Nov. 7th but it is great to visit with them often and teach to a true conversion.) Some other Baptisms that should be coming up soon. We are also teaching a 17 year old young man named Anthony. He is a trooper. He always tells us to come back the next day! We have introduced the idea of going on a mission to him. We hope that he takes that seriously and gives it the consideration that is necessary. I am so grateful for my mission. I have been able to grow so much and the Lord has truly changed my character and nature to be more like my Him. I wish that all people would truly consider the blessings of the Gospel and truly understand it is through obedience to God's commandments that we can find lasting happiness and peace.

As for General Conference, that is coming up very soon, and I am so glad that we have that opportunity to hear such wonderful counsel. I look forward to it with anticipation and excitement. 

The Parable in Matthew 18 about the debtor that could not forgive his servant is so real. God is merciful to each of us to the point that he will forgive us All of our sins upon conditions of repentance. It is only through the merits and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that this is possible. When we hold onto a grudge or offence from another person, no matter how badly or deeply it effects us it is very minuscule compared to the debt that we owe our Lord. When we do forgive we are then given mercy in the same manner. Moroni 7:18 I think it is not insignificant that in the Lord's prayer it says, "forgive us our debts, AS we forgive our debtors." I hope that we can all better learn to forgive and in turn receive the benefits of peace and sweet joy.
Ayoo' Aniinishni
Elder McGarry
Rainbows are a thing here ALL the time. I guess that's why it's called the "Land of Enchantment"​      
I haven't taken it yet! We are going to "The BOX" (a slot canyon, you guessed it! It's also world renowned for rock climbing) today so I'll get more next week :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"Know Thee, the only True God"

Dear Family and Friends,
I am so grateful for your letters and support, and also for your challenges that you share with faith to overcome. This week for me has been interesting as well as challenging with a lot that I've overcome. It is so great to be alive :) My Companion is doing so awesome. We are getting to know each other better every day, and training is teaching me so much!
We had a zone training this last Friday. That's always fun, and inspiring. I have been studying a lot about revelation and recognizing the spirit this week. Having revelation is not only recognizing that the spirit is touching you, but know what it is trying to say. I won't talk about it too much but Revelation is so Important. Why do we tell children "Say NO to Drugs!" Well it's so that when they come to that moment when they have to make the decision for themselves and it's only their friends around and they are all doing it, they know why they don't want to. That is like preparing ourselves to receive revelation. We are taught to "Listen to the Still Small Voice!" It is an invitation to receive revelation and it will, most of the time, only be you that has to make the decision. Then we must ACT. I like to say and have said many times these past few weeks, We have to get our feet wet! Moses didn't part the Red Sea just by standing on the banks. He walked into the Sea. So too, we must walk into the biggest of our obstacles and face them with Faith that God will bring Miracles about. (D&C 8:2-3)
The thing that stood out to me most this week though was about the Character of God. We have the ability to come to know our Savior and our Father by our own contemplation, study, and prayer. But let me be clear, there is No substitute for actually going and doing the things we learn. If we want to know God we Must serve our fellow brothers and sisters (Mosiah 5:13). I know My circumstances are ideal for that, and I am so grateful. As we learn how to serve even those who may hate us or cause us grief, then we know little piece of the feelings Christ had when he said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." The Character of Christ is so unfathomable at times, but we learn it by experience. We do not learn it by reading it in a book. We will not learn it in an instant when we returns to live with us again. It is learned by constantly remembering him and striving to act the way that he would act in every circumstance. I have come to better understand this principle this week by choosing to listen to the spirit and trying to be more spiritually sensitive. Another big part of this learning for me was through fasting. We further relieve the burdens of the oppressed and loose the bands of wickedness as we Fast and put off our own needs. I am better understanding what it really means to Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness. The work here in Alamo is moving forward. We are constantly pushing forward. We have had progress with Less-Active members who have not had much progress for years. That is exciting. We are always struggling to help people come to church, members and non-members alike. For me it is comforting to know that amid the greatest struggles come the greatest blessings. I feel blessed beyond measure, more than I ever could even deserve. And still the Lord only asks that we do our very best, a very miniscule and meager repayment for what he has done for all of us. By doing these things though, we truly come to Know our Father and his Son whom he did send. (John 17:3)
I send my love and admiration. I am going to try to get back to those of you who I have not by next week. Know that I do read your letters and I'm so glad to hear from you all :) One special note too, Jennifer (My little Sister) Good luck in the MTC tomorrow. Get ready to write a lot of notes and listen to the spirit! It will become your best friend in No time :) I Love you and wish you the best at the beginning of the rest of your life.
I hope you all have a great week!
​Ayoo' Aniinishni​
Elder McGarry 

Beautiful Alamo in the "Eye" of the storm :)

Elder Dunn making mush for Blue Corn Tamales ​(I cut the kernels off the cobs)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Dear Family and Friends,
I am so grateful today. I woke up, I had a lot on my mind and I kind of felt weighed down a bit, I'm not really sure why. The best I can say is that there was just a Lot on my mind, as I already said. But that was not going to satisfy me for a day, I want each day to be one of joy and excitement. This past week has been wonderful. We have had miracle after miracle.
We have been able to find new investigators just waiting to be found between the cracks of where we already frequently visit. We gave a copy of the Book of Mormon to the sister of an investigator that we teach who we met at a Birthday party. She asked me what the word of the day was, and we had just finished reading about King Benjamin, a classic favorite of many who have read the Book of Mormon. We told her that He was a prime example of a Christ-like leader. Not only did he teach the ideals of righteous living, but he practiced them to near perfection. He lead by example, the only way that a true leader will ever be able to make any lasting impact. We related how we as individuals and people have a great duty to act in the best way we possibly can and to help other do the same. She told us that she reads the Bible every day one page in English and then the same page in Navajo. To follow suit we were able to give her an English and a Navajo Book of Mormon and promise great blessings and a knowledge of our Savior and his Love for all of God's children.
The blessings of the Gospel are not something that are a convenience. And while they are often convenient and they do bring great security and comfort to lost and pained souls, they are much more that that. The Gospel is our eternal Nature. All we are doing is finding out who we really are. Have you aver wondered why the spirit is so strong when you sing such a simple song as I am a Child of God? I have, and I am glad to say that I am slowly finding out more and more why, each day. I am grateful that I woke up with so much on my mind because it reminds me how merciful and patient God has been with me. I'm grateful that I have such a loving family and group of Friends that are sensitive to the value of what is real as apposed to what is programed into our mortal minds of false expectations of the world, and decaying moral values that seem to be the "in" thing to do. I send my love for each of you and I hope you have a great week!
Ayoo' Aniinishni
Elder McGarry
Reflecting, Early Mornings for Transfers!

Another ​"Monsoon" rainstorm that left behind a massive rainbow