Dear Family and Friends,
am so happy this week Mike got Baptized! He started the Alamo Miracle
Church years ago and we have been meeting with him quite regularly since
I got here. He is wheelchair bound so I had to help him down into the
font and also back out which was a really humbling and great experience.
How much do we really take for granted? Anyway, Mike had told us much
about the history of the Res in our discussions. Much of it is sad
history, and even more of it all of it really is fulfillment of Prophesy
within the first few books of the Book Of Mormon. I can say even more
so now that I know the Book Of Mormon is true. I am blessed to be in the
literal action of fulfilling the prophesies of Nephi of old, bring the
Gospel to his people. You look at the Book of Mormon with new eyes and a
very unique perspective when you are in these shoes. I can bear
testimony of that. What a blessing.
Gospel is so simple yet so completely comprehensive in our lives. I
think that is the easiest way I can put it. As we understand doctrine we
becomes unshaken in our faith. It is through the revelations of
prophets throughout this earth's temporal existence that we know these
doctrines. How do we know if we are built upon the foundation of Christ
with pure and sound doctrine? Through personal revelation. I talked a
little about that last time. Today I want to share another thought that
has influenced me greatly for this week and many years to come. King
Noah, as we know him is a wicked man. I think most people would agree
that he is a perfect example of what not to be or do. I am going to be
so bold as to say that not many of us are so different from him. Now let
me explain a little why. No none of you are sinful and as wicked as he
was, or at least I hope not. But King Noah did not get the way he was
described overnight. When he finally did take over the kingdom after his
father's death he did change everything for the worse, but what does it
say about him and his character? HE "followed after the Desires of His
heart." I see so often that my desires are not necessarily evil, but
they are not what Christ would do. I think that one of the best
indicators of our personal commitment to follow the Lord is our worship
and our attitude toward Sabbath day observance. It's not a wonder why
the last general conference talk was on the Sabbath being a delight.
That is a big emphasis in the church because we need to change our
desires to Righteousness. I don't mean to say that I am perfect in this
either, I am by far the opposite. But if we are being told that we can't
even do the Sabbath right then our desires are not in alignment with
The Sabbath is a day to "rest from [our] labors and to pay [our] devotions unto the most high." I can say that my desire even this Sunday
was not in alignment with God's. It was a long drive to conference I'll
admit I was not in as delightful mood as I could have been to go. My
eyes were opened because I saw that King Noah as wicked as he was,
started out only following a simple desire of his heart, and it's not
doctrine, but I think that he probably didn't go to Church on Sunday.
As a result neither did his people, and look what happened to them.
What was the first thing that Alma did to fix that when every that was
righteous converted? He established order in the Church and consecrated
Priests (to bless and pass the Sacrament) and Teachers to bring the
people to a Remembrance of their Duty. The Sabbath is not just a day to
rest from our labors, it is a delight because we get to align our will
with God's will. We have to put off our own selfish desires and that
will bring great blessings. The Lord Promises (D&C 59:9 "And that
thou mayest for fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt
go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day."
Is that not the admonition of the Savior to live in the World but not
of the world. I know that the Lord will answer our prayers only as we
are faithful to His commandments. I know that He loves each of you and
that He Desires for you to be happy and live with him. And I know that
as we dedicate that sanctified day completely and totally to the Lord,
our own lives will be more prosperous and more joyful to a measure that
is beyond all comprehension. Press on and delight in the Gospel. Do not
be ashamed nor afraid, but believe and be an example of it by your
actions. I love you all and I hope that you have a great week!
Elder McGarry